Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas Staff Battalion
The main task is to maintain readiness for ensuring functions or strategic-level and tactical-level headquarters. Military personnel of the Battalion also represent the Republic of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Armed Forces informal events. Subdivisions:Honour Guard Company, Lithuanian Armed Forces Band, Headquarters Provision Company and others.
23 November 1918 Order No.1 of the Minister of National Defence formation of the 1st Infantry Regiment later renamed as Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas 1st Infantry Regiment was started. Officer J. Galvydis-Bykauskas was the first Commander of the Regiment.
28 May 1926 the Regiment was awarded with the 2nd Rank Flag of Vytis Cross.
After retrieval of East Lithuania and Vilnius in the end of October 1939 the Regiment entered the capital of Lithuania in composition of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.
The 1st Regiment was deactivated after the Soviet occupation in 1940.
In 1993 Separate Commandant Battalion was established, its first location of deployment was Aukštieji Paneriai, Vilnius.
In 1997 veterans of the 1st Regiment and their families approached President of the Republic of Lithuania asking to bestow the name of the Grand Duke Gediminas on any of the Armed Forces' divisions.
8 September 1998 Separate Commandant Battalion was renamed as Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas Headquarters Battalion by order of the Minister of National Defence. It was granted the right to inherit all traditions and insignia of the 1st Infantry Regiment.
20 November 1998 Gediminėnai Museum was established in Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas Headquarters Battalion to preserve historical tradition.
15 February 2002 combat battalion flag was solemnly bestowed upon the Battalion.
25 August - the Day of Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas Headquarters Battalion.
The set date does not coincide with the date of establishment of the Battalion: 24-25 August 1919 were triumphant days to the 1st Regiment - it achieved victory against Bolshevik platoons. The Regiment had a tradition to mark annually the 25th of August - the date of final victory against Bolsheviks.