

Lithuanian Special Operations troops in Afghanistan airlifted civilians injured by hostile fire

Lithuanian Special Operations troops in Afghanistan airlifted civilians injured by hostile fire

On September 1 troops of the Lithuanian Special Operations Squadron performing duty in southern Afghanistan conducted a joint operation with Afghan National police officers. During the operation, hostile fighters opened fire at the SOF Squadron near a local village. After a fire response they retreated.


After the exchange soldiers and policemen found two civilians injured by the hostile fire and rendered immediate medical assistance. Medical airlift helicopter carried the injured to the nearest hospital. At the moment their lives are not in danger.


No Lithuanian soldiers or ANP officers were injured in the exchange of fire. They returned safely to the camp after the operation.


Representatives of the Lithuanian Special Operations Forces train local forces, conduct special surveillance, insurgent identification, apprehension, and neutralisation and other high intensity combat tasks in southern Afghanistan.


Leadership of the National Defence System decided to send Lithuanian Special Operations Forces to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in southern Afghanistan in February of 2007. Service with ISAF earned to Lithuanian SOF troops respect and confidence of other countries' SOF forces', the allies especially appreciate readiness and determination Lithuanian troops demonstrate while conducting operations.


In 2002-2004 Lithuania deployed Special Operations Forces' troops to the US-led counterterrorist operation „Enduring Freedom" in Afghanistan.

PR Officer of the Joint Staff Capt Marius Varna, phone 00370 686 35 407.