The third annual Exercise Sheriff 2024 took place between June 22–28, in international format this year. 236 Military Police officers of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, 63 Allied MP officers from the United States, Germany, Belgium, Estonia, Czech Republic and Portugal, 42 Public Security officers and 26 members of the active reserve gathered in the Western Lithuania Region (city of Klaipėda, Šilutė and Šilalė districts) with equipment an weaponry.
It was an exceptional exercise in the history of the Lithuanian Military Police in terms of the territory covered and the number of trained personnel, as it was the first time the exercise include Allied participants and active reservists, making the total of 367 training audience. It honed Military Police functions, such as riot control, VIP protection, person detention and convoy, exposure and investigation of criminal activities, and other tasks, according to the exercise scenario across Western Lithuania.
The Exercise aim was to train the Lithuanian Armed Forces Military Police Units to plan and execute joint combat support operations with NATO Allies and Lithuanian law enforcement institutions.
All the exercise communication was delivered in English to correspond with the impressive Allied participation this year, which was yet another challenges on the way to exercise objective achievement. Active reserve members had undergone training in a separate exercise and integrated with Exercise Sheriff 2024 in the second part of the event highlighting one of the priorities of the exercise: smooth integration and coordination with the MP.
Info and photo credits: MP