

International exercise of Special Forces in Klaipeda

Three-week international exercise of Special Operations Forces of Lithuanian Armed Forces and soldiers of the US and Latvian special operations forces was closed on June 30 in Klaipeda.

Lithuanian SOF soldiers and their American and Latvian colleagues improved combat skills of special operations forces, completed special wide-range operations and shared experience. The main attention of the exercise was focused on difficult water operations: participants of the exercise conducted drills of ship seizure in water area of Klaipeda port and in open sea. Contribution of "DFDS LISCO" Company allowed troops drill intervention operations in a ferry crossing open sea waters.


Special Operations Forces (SOF), the fourth branch of Lithuanian Armed Forces, formed on the basis of Special operations Unit was established de jure on April 3, when amendments of National Defence System organisation and Military service law came into force. This is not the first time such exercise takes place.



 Soldiers of SOF fulfil

operation of embarking


ferry heading for

Klaipeda seaport

 Exercise actions of SOF

soldiers in a boat in

Klaipeda port water area

 Special operations

conducted in open sea

by aboardage boats.