

Fourth shift of National Support Element began duty in Afghanistan

Fourth shift of National Support Element began duty in Afghanistan

In the beginning of August the forth rotation of the National Support Element (NSE-4) of the Lithuanian Armed Forces replaced NSE-3 after a half year of duty in Afghanistan.


NSE-4 is commanded by officer of Logistics Command Maj Vidas Šilaika. Personnel of the new rotation include around 20 servicemen from across the Lithuanian Armed Forces, and several Ukrainian and US representatives. NSE engages an array of specialists of finance, procurement, storage, loading, movement control, contract supervision, and other sectors, who are responsible for logistic support of Lithuanian troops deployed to Afghanistan.


National Support Element was established in the beginning of 2009 in order to ensure greater efficiency of Lithuanian military units serving in multinational operations, and control of logistic support. The first NSE rotation (NSE-1) was established in the end of 2008 and redeployed in January 2009.


In the mission location NSE is responsible for processing procurement, storage, supply, accounting and write-off of material assets, management of financial resources provided by the Lithuanian Armed Forces, organization of reception and further movement of military and civilian personnel, and other functions.


The main NSE group is deployed in the Kabul International Airport. Individual soldiers serve in Kandahar Airport, and NSE Logistic Support Group is stationed in the camp of the Lithuanian-led Chaghcharan Provincial Reconstruction Team.


Currently Lithuania sustains Provincial Reconstruction Team of Ghor province under the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), ISAF staffs in Kabul and Herat, and ISAF mission in southern Afghanistan.


PR Officer of the LAF Logistics Command 1st Lt Rūta Gaižutytė, 00370 606 99 707.


Capt D. Toleikis