

Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Gen Egon Ramms visited Chaghcharan PRT

Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Gen Egon Ramms visited Chaghcharan PRT


August 26, Commander of NATO's Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Gen Egon Ramms paid an official visit to the Lithuanian-led Chaghcharan PRT camp. General was accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Lt Gen Walter E. Gaskin, Ambassador of Sweden to NATO HE Veronika Wand-Danielsson and other guests. It is the third visit of Gen Egon Ramms in the Lithuanian-led PRT.


Gen Egon Ramms met with Commander PRT-11 Col Gintaras Smaliukas, civilian head of PRT Linas Linkevičius, civilian representatives of Japan and USA, representative of European Union Police mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL AFGHANISTAN) team.


In the meeting the guest was briefed on the key projects developed by the PRT, fostered development cooperation activity, tasks completed by CIMIC specialists, contribution and characteristics of coordination of actions of PRT representatives, governmental and non-governmental organizations operating in the province, and local authorities, in the process of provincial development. The visiting General was also interested in the situation of law enforcement in Ghor and plans of the international and local security forces' jointly ensuring security during the parliamentary elections.


The guest thanked civilian representatives of Lithuania, Japan, and USA, and PRT troops for their achievements in the province, financial support rendered by the countries represented in Ghor, close cooperation with local organizations, and maintaining good relations with Ghor population.


One of the goals of Gen Ramms' visit was touring constructions site of Chaghcharan Children's Centre, a project financed by Lithuania, and familiarising with progress of the project.


After the meeting in the PRT camp Commander of JFC Gen Egon Ramms proceeded to the Chaghcharan Children's Centre's construction site, and also visited Professional Training Centre being built in the same territory on Japanese Government's funding.


„Wives of NATO Joint Forces Command's servicemen have established Brunssum Women Charity Committee which is currently chaired by my wife. The Brunssum Women Charity Committee have raised funds to be given to the Chaghcharan Children's Centre. That's why one of my visit's objectives is to see the lot of the future Centre and to consider the most efficient way of spending the money of Brunssum Women Charity Committee for constructions and finishing of the Centre," said Commander of JFC Gen Egon Ramms.


NATO Joint Forces Command is established in Brunssum (the Netherlands). It is one of three operations-level NATO military commands subordinate to NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons (Belgium). The other two are based in Naples (Italy) and Lisbon (Portugal). The Joint Forces Command in Brunssum is in charge of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. Gen Egon Ramms has been leading NATO JFC since 2007.


The Lithuanian-led PRT in Ghor is a joint civilian-military mission, a part of NATO's ISAF, that was launched in Ghor in summer of 2005. The main task of the mission is to help Government of Afghanistan to extend authority in the province, ensure security and create environment for provincial reconstruction.


Prerequisites for the allied forces deployed in Afghanistan to finish the mission will be provided as soon as the country's National Security Forces are able to ensure security of the country and its people independently. In the present period major attention is paid to the projects of training and preparation of Afghan National Security Forces in the framework of the new NATO ISAF strategy in Afghanistan.


Ghor, located in the central part of Afghanistan, is relatively safe because of its geographical position and underdeveloped infrastructure. However, insurgent movement is sometimes spotted there as well as Ghor has borders with southern provinces, guarded by additional huge deployment of allied forces since the beginning of 2010.

As the Lithuanian-led PRT of Ghor increases its attention to training Afghan National Security Forces, establishment of Police Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team (POMLT) is planned in Ghor by the end of the year.


At the moment the 11th rotation of the Lithuanian-led PRT serve in Afghanistan, the shift is based on the Lithuanian Grand Duke Kęstutis Motorised Infantry Battalion located in Tauragės Distr. Kęstutis Battalion provides personnel for the PRT mission for a second time. The majority of personnel in the 12th shift have already been deployed to multinational missions before.


Lithuanian civilian and military personnel of Ghor PRT work together Danish, Georgian, Japanese, US, Poland's, Finland's and Ukraine's representatives.

Prepared by PIO for PRT-11 Capt Darius Toleikis

Picture by PRT-11