

Baltic Squadron will train in the Baltic Sea

Baltic Squadron will train in the Baltic Sea


From August 18 to 25 naval training of ships assigned to the Baltic Squadron (BALTRON) will be conducted in the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of Lithuania in the Baltic Sea. In the training the Squadron's readiness to take part in the international mine countermeasures operation „Open Spirit 2010" to be held this year on August 27-September 8 will be tested.


In the BALTRON training event starting tomorrow Lithuania will be represented by mine hunter and sweeper „Sūduvis"(M52) of the Lithuanian Armed Forces led by Lt (N) Karolis Lileikis. Mine hunter and sweeper of the Latvian Naval Force „Talivaldis" and staff and logistic ship „Tasuja" of the Estonian Armed Forces will also participate in the training.


This year „Sūduvis" (M52) in BALTRON have already participated in the Squadron's training and naval exercise „Baltic Fortress" in the territorial waters of Latvia, and in naval exercise „BALTOPS 2010" held in the territorial waters of Estonia.


The Baltic Squadron (BALTRON) was established in 1998. It is composed of ships and international staff assigned by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.


One of key roles of BALTRON is detection and neutralization of mines and unexploded ammunition remaining on the Baltic seafloor after World War II. The Squadron also serves as training platform before deployment with NATO units.


Note: for more information contact LNF PR Officer Lt (N) Antanas Brencius tel. 00370 46 39 1207, cell phone 00370 698 18196.