On July 19 in Poland, Szczecin in the forest of village Pscelnik was commemorated 76th anniversary of S.Darius and S.Girėnas flight across Atlantic Ocean.
In the events participated Deputy Speaker of the Seimas of Lithuania Algis Kašėta, Lithuanian Ambassador in Poland Egidijus Meilūnas, Lithuanian Defence Attache in Poland Colonel Eugenijus Vosylius, Lithuanian Consul of Honour in Szczecin Wieslaw Wierzchos, representatives of Seacost District, Myslibusz city and church.
The celebration started in Szczecin St. Jokubas Cathedral, where wreaths at the memorial plate for S.Darius and S.Girėnas were laid. Later at the site of pilots death, at the monument in Pzcelnik forest built in 1936, designed by Vytautas Landsbergis Žemkalnis and cherished in Soviet times by local inhabitants, a solemn commemoration was held, St Mass was celebrated, local pupils gave a performance.