

150 rotational troops of Portugal arrived in Lithuania

150 rotational troops of Portugal arrived in Lithuania

In March 22 next rotation of the Portuguese contingent deployed to Lithuania to implement the NATO Assurance measures strengthening deterrence and ready to counter threats to the Allies. Approx. 150 members of the Portuguese Marine Corps will be training with units of the Lithuanian Great Hetman Jonas Karolis Chodkevičius Infantry Brigade “Griffin”, Special Operations Forces and the Navy until June. Their military equipment – ATVs, trucks, inflatable boats – will also arrive via Klaipėda Seaport as soon as tomorrow.

The Portuguese and Lithuanian military will train infiltration and exfiltration with inflatable boats, object assault, various types of reconnaissance and live-fire. The rotational force of Portugal will be base at the Brigadier General Povilas Plechavičius Training Area at poligone Kairiai.

Portugal has been sending rotational forces to Lithuania since 2015 as part of the NATO Assurance Measures (air, maritime and land measures in the Central European and Eastern European NATO Allies) in a staunch demonstration of solidarity by contribution to deterrence and defence in the eastern flank of NATO in the wake of the illegal annexation of Crimea. Portugal has been actively supporting the NATO Assurance Measures in Lithuania with rotations of Portuguese Marines and contributions to the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states.

Photo credit: PO3 Gabija Vaitkutė | Lithuanian Armed Forces