

Chief of Defence of Lithuania took part in guests day of multinational special operations forces training

Chief of Defence of Lithuania took part in guests day of multinational special operations forces...

An international Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET) for Special Operations Forces from Lithuania, the USA, and Latvia has been proceeding in Lithuania for three weeks now. Lithuania is represented in the exercise by two SOF squadrons „Aitvaras", one of them is undergoing training before mission in Afghanistan, the other one takes part in JCET together with special operations troops of Latvia and the United States.


In Visitors' day on February 2 Chief of Defence of the Lithaunain Armed Forces Maj. Gen. Arvydas Pocius, representatives of the Presidency of Lithuania, Ministry of National Defence, Joint Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, guests from the US Embassy in Lithuania, and others were present.


„Joint exercise of Lithuanian and US special forces is of great importance as a token of appreciation of the professionalism, weight, and experience Lithuanian Special Operations Forces troops have displayed during the four years of counter-terrorism actions in Afghanistan. Such exercise is another example for those disputing unity of NATO and determination of our allies to support Lithuanian national forces in defence of our Motherland", said Chief of Defence of Lithuania Maj. Gen. A. Pocius.


SOF exercise scenario includes Lithuanian, US, and Latvian Special Operations Forces soldiers drilling combat skills, wide spectrum of special land operations under harsh winter conditions. Major focus of the training is placed on improving implementation of general warfare actions, counter-terrorism operations, and work with explosives.


US and Latvian special operations forces troops joined the exercise with all necessary equipment, including a US MC 130.


Special Operations Forces of Lithuania launched relations with counterparts from USA about a decade ago, cooperation had been developed via training, and mission in Afghanistan. Lithuanian and US special operations forces conduct joint exercises in Lithuania annually. JCET is not a training mission, the basis of the event is the exchange of experience acquired in multinational operations and exercises and a ground for improvement of joint action and tactics.